What About Juno?
Hi Penny Banks :3
I've been enjoying a lot of your fan-requested music lately, and I wanted to know if you could make a song about my friend Juno who's birthday is coming up on July 28th! I'm not sure if I have to pay you or anything so please let me know if either is the case.
Stuff to know about Juno:
- He's super gay
- He jokes about having a thing for old men above the age of 70 (my friends and I don't think he's kidding though)
- He won't shut up about captain america and bucky barnes (hates steve rogers, likes sam wilson)
- He knows a lot about greek mythology
- He's a theatre kid and his favourite musical right now is EPIC: The Musical
- He's ginger and he (RIGHTFULLY) gets bullied for it
- He's writing a fantasy book with these gods in it, I don't wanna explain the whole thing but one of them (let's call him "the purple one") kills his own daughter for some reason, and it's a thing that Juno jokes about a lot. There's also a character named Mëëpha (Meh-fah) in it that he likes. If you could say "Mëëpha's the goat" I think he'd really appreciate that. Sorry if this is too much to ask for lol. I just wanna say that I love your work and I hope to see you reach 20 000 tracks one day!! Tysm and good luck ^^