Shay Not Shaye


ii think i’m going to send you like pages and pages of my thoughts and paragraphs and paragraphs about random **** but this will be my introduction email. let’s set this straight. i need something from you, a song . please/ plskskskakdjjsjaksk pleaseeee plskwasee.

my name is SHAYE and for SOME REASON my ****** mom wanted to name me SHAYE instead of SHAY. why the ***would you add the e at the end??? please write a song about the unfortunate, confusing E at the end of my name. it’s still pronounced the same even tho every sub calls me shane for some reason. anyway i have a lot more to say to you that i think you’ll enjoy but pls pls write a song because you’re my favorite. i was on my way to being one of ur top listeners before my spotify account got banned and deleted (don’t ask) and( then two days later my roblox account got banned for the sixth time) 

anyway lmk what u think. i had to redownload the iphone mail app for this so yeah