Our Wonderland Is Twisted

You are a lyrical genius /genuine

I seriously love your stuff. Like literally you are probably gonna be in my top five on Spotify this year.

I would love if you would sing about a visual novel horror game called “our wonderland” which is about an anxious hermit named Iggy who has three simps:

His bestie Genzou who is blind and witty. He does not know when to shut up.

Another one of Iggy’s childhood friends: Gidget, forced themselves to be a model because they think Iggy will like them if they present as a hot girl (they come to terms with being non-binary) They are really kind and mature and like coding just like Iggy does. They become a yandere in wonderland for Iggy.

And finally Orlam who is a greasy creep who was bullied all his life but makes a come back in wonderland as a cannibal king, very suave and charming. He especially hates Genzou but I think they should kiss tbh

All their problems would be solved if they got into a polyamorous relationship /joke

And so basically they go into a place called wonderland that grants one wish they have and Iggy doesn’t know what to wish for, Genzou wishes he wasn’t blind, Gidget wishes they were a famous model, and orlam wishes to be king, wonderland twists their personalities making them all go insane and kill each other and wonderland isn’t very safe anyways.

Iggy has way too many b**** fr

There’s also Buxley and her husband Hunar who are outside of the love square. Buxley hates her life and uses her child’s blood for the ritual to open wonderland which kicks off the rest of them going in and working out all their s** with time loops and such where each act focuses on a different love interest till act five where they remember and go in to fix their friendships and such. It’s very gory and well written.